"In life you always have a choice, sometimes it's easier to think that you don't."
-Angel Coulby

Friday 10 April 2015

School Systems of America and Iceland

The United States has it's residents attend school for a longer amount of time than Iceland does. America's students attend grade school from the ages of 5 to 18. Iceland has their residents attend school from ages 6 to 16. America's students have a better knowledge of many things in general, but Iceland had many people who specialize in their field of work. They graduate early from their form of "high school" so that they can start schooling for exactly what they want to do. Iceland offers their students more time in order to become really good at a certain job. However, they have to know immediately what they want to do at the age of 16. America offers a wider range of job opportunities. For instance, they provide more time for students to decide on a career and they allow for career changes. There is an infinitely larger number of  universities in the U.S. than there are in Iceland, which provides more career opportunities for America's residents. I think that there are pros and cons to both school systems, and I think that  both systems are satisfyingly effective. 

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