"In life you always have a choice, sometimes it's easier to think that you don't."
-Angel Coulby

Thursday 9 April 2015

Is College Worth It?

I do think that college is worth the time and money that many people spend in order to obtain a degree and knowledge. Many jobs in modern times will hire someone who has a college degree over someone who has more experience. You can acquire higher-level jobs, hence higher-paying jobs, when you have a college degree. The time and energy that you put into college will eventually be repaid through your job. College is a very vast place where people are constantly learning more about the world around them. You learn how to live on your own in college. For most people, learning how to balance classes and a job is a difficult experience that makes you stronger and you eventually reap the benefits. If you acquire a high paying job for your high paying degree, than all of the money that you put into your degree will be paid back to you. If you want to pursue a career in which it does not provide a lot of money, than it should be worth it to you to pay for the schooling in order to do what you love. It is becoming increasingly difficult in today's society to get a job without obtaining a college degree beforehand. There are schools that you can go to that offer the same education as well known schools that are for cheaper. There are ways to go through college without debt if that is a concern. College graduates generally have better interpersonal skills, have a longer lifespan, and have healthier children, physically and mentally. If a child is born into a family in which both of him/her parents are both college graduates, they have a better likelihood of also attending college and obtaining a degree. I do think that a college degree is worth it both economically and socially. People who have college degrees have proven their ability to achieve major milestones and experience success.

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