"In life you always have a choice, sometimes it's easier to think that you don't."
-Angel Coulby

Friday 20 February 2015

Influential Leader

I do not think that Neil was changed in any way because of Mr.Keating. He was depressed because of the choke hold that his father had on him, and I think that Neil would have killed himself otherwise. If anything, Mr.Keating prolonged his life by teaching him to live for what he truly wanted to do.
I think that Todd was the bravest of the Dead Poets boys because he overcame his fear of public speaking, and he was nice to Mr.Keating when nobody else was. He also stayed strong when Neil died. I think that Neil was the coward. Even though his father was pressuring him to do things that he did not want to do, he could have tried telling his father. I think that committing suicide is one of the most cowardly things that you could do.
I think that Neil somehow commandeered the poetry book, because Mr. Keating's passion was to teach the boys at school and I don't think that he would have done anything to jeopardize his career. I do not think that Mr. Keating gave the book to Neil. Neil showed traits of rebelliousness and I think that taking the poetry book from somewhere is something that he would do.

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