"In life you always have a choice, sometimes it's easier to think that you don't."
-Angel Coulby

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Christmas Break

Over Christmas break I am planning to visit my relatives, such as my grandparents, aunts and uncles. I also have to complete some last minute Christmas shopping for some of my family members. Decorating our house and Christmas tree are some traditions that my family likes to do. Also, baking Christmas foods with my friends  I am looking forward to relaxing and enjoying the time that I have with my family. I would like to receive various items for Christmas, such as iTunes gift cards, books, clothes, jewelry, and a new laptop.This is what I am doing over Christmas break.


Monday 1 December 2014

All About College

By attending college, I hope to acquire a degree in a profitable field. I am going to college because I think that it is important to continue learning every day, and attending college will aid me in that goal. When choosing a college I have to consider what type of work or study that I am interested in. I will seek my friend's and families input in which college I should attend, as well as what my major should be. In the future my goal is to be a speech/language pathologist and college will help me attain this goal by providing me with the studies that I need, as well as with the degree itself.