"In life you always have a choice, sometimes it's easier to think that you don't."
-Angel Coulby

Monday 25 August 2014

Organizational Method

My current organizational method is a written planner and it works out well for me because it is easy to access and easy to write in. Procrastination is not productive, and often times results in producing low-grade work based on the amount of time spent on said assignment. I can fight procrastination by placing the more important things, like school work in front of the things that I want to do, like watch T.V..

Sunday 24 August 2014

College Transition

I am looking forward to this college transition class because I am excited to begin my college experience. My older sister took the college transition class while she was in high school and she was relieved that she decided to take that class. She expressed to me that this class really helped her in applying for colleges and acquiring scholarships. I hope to gain this knowledge while in this class this year to better my chances of gaining scholarships and knowledge about applications.